Installation with mirrors to create 3Dviewing of lightbox doorways

Bryan Whitney – Doorway to Nubia, 2015

August and September, 2015

An important site in Egyptian mythology is revealed in 3D by looking into the set of mirrors.
Jebel Barkal is a sandstone butte on the Nile river in Northern Sudan in a region called Nubia. When Egyptians conquered Nubia around 1500 B.C., they identified Jebel Barkal as the birthplace of their god, Amun. They further perceived the colossal spire-like pinnacle on the butte’s southern cliff as evidence of Egyptian royal power and authority over the region, as it resembled the Uraeus – a rearing cobra – which was worn on the front of Pharaoh Thutmose III’s crown.  Consequently, the site was considered sacred and many temples and pyramids were built there.
The technique of viewing 3D images with mirrors is modeled on the original method first used by Sir Charles Wheatstone in 1838.

Installation with mirrors to create 3Dviewing of lightbox doorways
Bryan Whitney Doorway to Nubia, 2015