LifeStream II
HoloCenter on Governors Island

A poetic and aesthetic representation of the critical presence of plastics in oceans and environments. Made up of suspensions of speakers that emit heartbeats’s sound, on which are placed some parts of plastic food containers. The lights pass through plastics and enlarges their shadows.
Lorraine Beaulieu lives and works in Québec, Canada. She works as professional artist since 2001 with « Éthologie du corps ». She completed M.F.A. in 2009 at University Laval and she is now involved in one more post graduate program in aesthetics to University of Québec to Trois-Rivières. Her multidisciplinary artwork queries our relationship with the environment. For her sculptures or site-specific installations, she removes everyday man-made materials from their life cycle, such as empty water bottles, umbrellas, newspapers or VGA cables, and brings them again to life in an installation or a sculpture. Water issues are particularly represented in her artworks. In 2007, her environmental involvement permitted her an artistic residency in Antarctica and from that experience, she produces cyanotype and digital prints. Her work has been showed in Canada, France, United Kingdom, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Serbia and United States. She obtained several grants for participatory accomplishments and occasionally acts as independent curator for artistic events.