Meeting ID: 896 4164 8792
December 19, 3pm EST – Stereoscopic Art
Interview with the artists Blinn & Lambert (Nicholas Steindorf and Kyle Williams) about their installation NNAATTUURRAA MMOORRTTAA in the HoloCenter exhibition EDGE OF LIGHT. Carlton Bright shares 3D imagery of the installation and interviews the artists about their collaboration to experiment with stereography.

Saturday December 12, doors at 2:30pm, talks start at 3pm EST
Join exhibition curator Jonathan Sims for a 3D tour of the HoloCenter’s current exhibition at The Plaxall Gallery. 3D imagery by Carlton Bright captures the light art installations by Emily Andersen, Ed Bear, Blinn & Lambert, Julian Day & Kamari Carter, Rachel Guardiola, Emma Hendry, Jess Holz, Rita Jimenez, Shohei Katayama, Nooshin Rostami and Evan Voelbel.

An installation with hand bent neon trees. Anaglyth image by Carlton Bright, view with red/blue glasses.

This 3D broadcast is made possible and hosted by The New York Stereoscopic Association
To view in 3D you will need anaglyph (red-blue) glasses. They are available at the gallery or by sending your mailing address to: 3DNSA@OPTONLINE.NET
More online content is HERE and to physically experience the exhibition book your free timed entry:
EDGE OF LIGHT is made possible in part by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; and in part by New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature. The audio guide and virtual tour are made possible with funds from the NYSCA Electronic Media/Film in Partnership with Wave Farm: Media Arts Assistance Fund, with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.