SPACE:LIGHT is an experimental visual media program for artists to explore and create optical environments, light sculptures and visual structure. The program supports the development and presentation of projects that investigate broad notions of holographic imaging, including multiple dimensions and immersive media and/or employ light or optical media as an artistic medium.
This year’s SPACE:LIGHT has a theme centered on an Alternate Reality that each artist personally creates in tandem with additional versions of Realities that will be perceived, installed, and displayed by fellow conceptualizers within the community of Light Art to challenge the bounds of space and time. Worlds, dreams, different timelines, and portals made of various light elements are welcome. Please take these ideas into consideration for your submission!
Open to New York State artists with preference to emerging, early career and under represented artists. Enrolled students are not eligible for this program. Please consider current and potential coronavirus limitations.
Artists receive curatorial and installation support (and if based in New York State, a stipend). Works can be installed in the gallery and/or performed or screened in the theater space or outside the gallery. Please contact us early if you are looking for technology to realize your project. While we provide assistance and have tools onsite, artists usually install their own work. We recommend visiting the gallery, there is also a 3D walk through here (this was before the theater space was annexed). Yes it will be dark, the only lights in the gallery are the artworks.
Due to Covid-19, the Edge of Light exhibition was designed to give a small number of artists time to develop a site specific work. In addition to the gallery space you may propose projects that connect the gallery to Anabell Basin, use roller door windows or illuminate the water, the boat or adjacent buildings.
Open to all artists with preference to artists in Queens and New York State.
To apply please send your artwork description (under 2 pages) as a PDF by September 5th, 2021 before midnight, though we will accept further applications on a rolling basis
All submissions should include an artist statement and short biography.
Label all PDFs with your name.
Send to info (at) with Space:Light in the subject line.
Explore SPACE:LIGHT Projects
Edge of Light 2020

This program is made possible in part by the Queens Council on the Arts with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; and in part by New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.