Enchanting holographic visions come to The Clock Tower in Long Island City.
Interference:Coexistence was an installation of holograms by outstanding artists from around the world. The holograms exhibited included classic pieces from the late 70s and early 80s that defined the art form as well as fresh visions by established and emerging artists.
Encountering holographic art makes us question perception. What we see occupies a space in an entirely different way from a physical object – the hologram is a sculpture of light. Using a range of holographic techniques these artists have created scenes of multiple and extended views, scenes we could not see directly but require the intervention of the holography.

HoloCenter at The Clock Tower of Long Island City (aka Queens Clocktoer)
29-27 41st Avenue • Long Island City, NY 11101
September 6 – October 19, 2013
Margaret Benyon, Rudie Berkhout, Betsy Connors, Melissa Crenshaw & Sidney Dinsmore, Eva Davidova, Paula Dawson, Rebecca Deem, Cho Duckhee, Tristan Duke, Mary Harman, Guillermo Federico Heinze, Setsuko Ishii, Adrienne Klein, Juyong Lee, Ana MacArthur, Gerald Marks, Sam Moree, Ikuo Nakamura, Ana Maria Nicholson, Ray Park, Andrew Pepper, Julius Schmiedel, Dan Schweitzer, Fred Unterseher and Sally Weber
With new works by young Korean Artists in the Holocenter Vault Gallery:
Boyang Ahn, Haena Bae, Bokyung Jung, Jungwon Park and Eunjo Yang
Curated by Dr Martina Mrongovius (HoloCenter, New York / Academy of Media Arts, Cologne)

Email for PDF or printed catalouge. Documentation of the exhibition with texts by the artists, 48 color pages, soft cover perfect bound

Special events included:
Opening with roving Jazz by Robert Aaron• Friday September 6
Holographic Art Symposium • Saturday September 7
Performance Tour by Flux Factory Artists • Thursday September 12
HoloKids activities • Saturday September 14
Brunch and Private Tour • Sunday September 15
3-D slide performance with Gerald Marks • Thursday, September 19
HoloJams:Experimental Music Night with J.Stone (Mouthmatics) and BubbyFish • Saturday September 21
Art Films screening of Visionaries 21 series, Friday September 27Closing night viewing with sound composition by Adam Ludwig and Apple in response to the show • Saturday September 28
The exhibition was extended until October 19
Exhibition Sponsors:
Venue donated by Andover Realty through No Longer Empty
This project is made possible by the Queens Council on the Arts with funds from the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.