AROUND THE CLOCK is a 3D video loop, created from 16 stereoscopic images captured inside the clock chamber atop the Center for Holographic Arts’ former home: a magnificent 1927 Art Deco tower in Long Island City, Queens.

The image sequence moves rhythmically around the age-worn interior, exposing stained brickwork, the cracked glass of the four massive clock faces, and the general toll of nine decades. As the arc closes and another orbit begins, viewers may contemplate the relations between space — articulated here in trifold fullness — and time — reduced here to a quantum pulse; and the tension between time’s linearity — the unswerving arrow of change and decay — and its circularity — the renewal promised by each sweep of hands round the dial, each cycle of light and darkness.
To chart a course, across distance or duration, one must first take one’s bearings. AROUND THE CLOCK offers a singular experience of grounding in four dimensions, and a rare vantage point: from the hidden center of constructed space, on the inner side of divided time.